How to write an essay fast & quickly? Last Minute essay writing guide

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Everyone wants to finish their work before the deadline but sometimes it is not acceptable in time and we have to change our plans for other important things.

Sometimes it may happen that you need to write an essay and you put it off for a later day but at that time you realize the length of the essay and the time it takes to research and writes it. In my academic days, I have gone through this many times. After getting in the same situation several times I created a blueprint for writing an essay fast without losing the quality. Here in this article, I will be sharing the same blueprint with you for writing an essay quickly even at the end of the day.

Let’s start this ultimate fast essay writing guide. I will highlight the important things for you because I know you are in hurry for writing your essay.

Attention Don’t miss the FAQ section at the end of the page because I have answered some most asked questions about essay writing.

Essay writing tips for quick and fast essay writing

If you will start without making any outline or a format for writing the complete essay then it may lead to an increase in your essay writing time. So it is suggested to go through the below tips and use them while writing your essay.

Here are some most important tips for everyone who is in hurry for essay writing. First of all, keep away secondary things away and focus on only your essay writing. Follow below writing tips for your essay work.

1. Plan the timeline for essay writing

It happens that whenever we are doing something in hurry then things take more time than normal. That’s why we need to plan our things properly so we can get our tasks done in minimum time. If you want to write an essay fast then first of all you need to make a plan and timeline for it.

Calculate the total time to complete your essay and then divide the time for each section of your essay writing. It’s like making a multi-tasking schedule to accomplish a goal. So here you are dividing your total time for different sections of your essay.

Distribute the time for the research, introduction, body, and conclusion of your essay. Set a proper timeline for each section that you are going to write in the essay and follow the timeline to complete your essay on time at a faster pace.

2. Get Rid of Distractions

Disorientation is common everywhere. But you have to do an important essay and that too in less time. So get rid of all possible distractions around you.

Put your smartphone on silent or switch it off and stay away from social media. Clear your mind and focus only on essay writing.

3. Understand the Essay topic

If you already have an essay topic then understand how it should be answered. If you do not have your topic and need to find a new topic then find the most written essays in your field as those will be easy essays that you can write fast.

4. Research about the topic

Give a good time on your research for essay. You can read multiple essays on your topic.Collect the essential knowledge about your essay topic from already written essays. You can find multiple examples of essays on different topics on google scholar and in your books if you have them.

A good research and foundings will reduce the writing time of essay. Because at the research you will get different content ideas that you can use in your essay.

5. Outline the essay

As I mentioned in the above steps, you will get many different content ideas after researching on the essay topic. It’s time to use those content ideas. Write an outline of the ideas you want to use in your essay. This should be a title of sorts to which we’ll add a few lines later.

6. Write the paragraph for each outline

Once you have done outlining your essay its time to add some value and proper knowledge about your essay topic. Write one or two paragraphs for every outlines. Now the length of paragraph depends on your essay legnth. So keep the lenght of paragraphs according to your overall essay length.

For example: If you are writing an essay of 1000 words and you have 8 outlines, you can write a paragraph of 100 words for every 8 lines and 100 words for the introduction and 100 words for the conclusion. This way you can get an idea of ​​the total length of completing the essay.

7. Write a perfect introduction & conclusion

Your essay should be related to the topic at every point including introduction, body and conclusion. End the essay with an appropriate conclusion.

8. Read the essay and give a proper touch

Once you have completed the essay now it is the time to read the essay and correct the mistakes and change the essential things if required. Look at the outline again and review whether you need to change the title.

Check plagiarism in your writing with plagiarism checker tools. If you have found any plagiarized material, replace that material with a new paragraph. Plagiarism is always advised to be avoided in academic writing. I have written a seprate article on avoiding plagarism in research writing. I am sure this will help you in writing plagarism free content for your essay too.

Final Words on Write an essay fast

Essay writing is not an rocket science but writing an essay quicly is sometimes can be hard if you have some lenghty essay to write. But if you are foolowing the above cheat sheet for writing your essay then i hope you will be able to complete your essay on time.

I am always trying to help you by providing the unique and knwolegable content for your academic progress. Comment down your questions and let me know how can i help you. Have a fast essay writing!!

FAQ: Quick Essay Writing

How to write an essay fast?

Research the essay topic and collect nesecarry information form prewritter essays. Write some proper outlines for your essay. Add 3 to 4 lines paragraph in your outlines. Now add introduction and conclusion in your essay. So fast, you have completed your essay.

What to avoid in writing an essay?

Do not fail to address the main point of essay. Avoid using palagarism content. Avoid using complicated words.

Is it ok to use first-person pronouns in essay?

Do not use first-persons pronouns in your essay writing. First-person pronouns are I, me, we, my, us, etc.

Spread the knowledge


Hey friends, after working on some research papers and academic projects I have started this blog to help all the new writers to share my experiences and tips with them.

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